Environmental Sustainability

As we are manufacturing chemicals, we feel its our moral responsibility to help conserve nature as much as possible. We have proudly installed a triple effect evaporator plant (TEEP) for treating our effluent. Our effluent is water based effluent and hence previously all our effluent was going to Common Effluent Treatment plant.
However by installing TEEP, now we are recovering 70% of the water back, which is having purity better than MIDC water. This recovered can be re-used for the production. We are one of very few small-scale industries to become Zero discharge facility.
Project Solar Energy:
We at Halides are always kin take up paths less travelled. Hence we decided to make good use of the solar energy available in Kurkumbh region owing to its dry and arid environment. We have installed Forbes Solar make solar water heating system with Sun tracking mechanism to supply preheated water to boiler. This will reduce the fuel load of the boilers thereby reducing the pollution by burning of the fuels. We have also installed solar streetlights in our campus.